Human Needs
Serve one another with the particular gifts God has
given each of you, as faithful dispensers of the
magnificently varied grace of God.
1 Peter 4:10
Preschool @ First
Help create memories at the Fall Festival in October: set up, run a game, clean up, etc.​
Support our teachers by volunteering during Teacher Appreciation week in the spring
Email Lisa Herkowitz, Preschool Director
Children's Ministry
Care for the littlest ones in our congregation by serving in the nursery on Sunday mornings​
Be a member of the Kitchen Krewe for LOGOS: join us for dinner at 6 p.m. and stay to help clean up afterwards
For nursery, email Evelyn Lewis, Chair of the Christian Education Committee
For LOGOS, email Beverly Vloedman, Chair of the LOGOS Committee
College Ministry
"Adopt" a college student and connect monthly through prayer, encouragement, or a meal ​
College Cafe: Meet our college students and help foster fellowship by making/serving lunch on Sundays after worship
For more on "adopting" a student, email Susannah Peddie, College Committee
For College Cafe, email Scott Stuart, Director of College Ministry.
Young Adult & Family Ministry
Feed a family by offering a meal when we host Family Promise OR by donating food/clothing to our collection bins for Gainesville Community Ministry
Join other YA&FM folks on an usher team for sanctuary worship in September, January, and May
Email Fred Lundy, Director of Young Adult & Family Ministry
Music Ministry
Try a choir or handbell ensemble and grow your musical abilities while leading others in worship through music
Type or help create How To's for the music library, concert preparation, or other ministry activities
Email Mitch Rorick, Director of Music
Congregational Ministry
Join the quarterly usher team to greet the congregation, hand out worship guides, and collect the offering on Sundays in August, December, and April
Prepare the sanctuary for worship by straightening the pews on a weekday
Email Laura Montgomery, Administrative Associate